Friday, 2 March 2012

Honor your father and mother. Frankl told this story about his decision to stay in Europe when he had an opportunity to come to America in the early 40's. The situation in his homeland was becoming more and more difficult for those of the Jewish race. The local Jewish Synagogue had been bombed and left in ruins by the Nazis. Dr. Frankl was offered an opportunity to go to America. As the synagogue was destroyed, he went to a nearby Christian Church. He prayed that God would give him some direction as to what he should do. He wanted to know if he should go to America or stay with his family. Though he earnestly prayed, no answer came. He left the Church feeling that God had ignored him.
On the way home, he came to the destroyed Synagogue. He stopped for a few moment and picked up a piece of wood to take home as a keepsake for his father. When he arrived home, he examined the piece of wood more closely. As he read the inscription on the piece of wood, he realized that indeed God had heard his prayer and had answered him. The inscription on the piece wood read, "Honor your father and mother." He stayed in Europe and eventually ended up a prisoner of the Nazis.
If Frankl had not gone to that Church, stopped at that destroyed Synagogue, picked up that piece of wood and carried it home and read what was inscribed on it; would we have ever heard of Viktor Frankl? Maybe! Would he have had the impact on the second half of the Twenty Century that he had. I doubt it! He did go by that Church, stopped at the destroyed Synagogue, picked up that piece of wood, carried it home, read it and become one of the great contributors to psychology, life and meaning in the Twenty Century.
Frankl survived the Holocaust and the Nazi death camps. During his time in the concentration camps, Frankl developed his approach to psychotherapy known as Logotherapy. At the core of his theory is the belief that humanity's primary motivational force is the search for meaning.


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